Ikirenga Artistic Empowerment Hub Project

artistic freedom initiative training

We are thrilled to have partnered with the Australian Government on the Ikirenga Artistic Empowerment Hub Project through the Direct Aid Program. This collaboration is an incredible milestone for us and a step towards empowering the creative Rwandan community. Within this partnership, our organization has received funds through the Direct Aid Program to implement this project. We greatly thank the Australian Government for recognizing the significance of creative and artistic empowerment and funding the project for implementation. Ikirenga Art and Culture Promotion will continue to foster a thriving artistic community.

With the support from the Australian Government, the Ikirenga Artistic Empowerment Hub Project aims to empower vulnerable groups in the creative industry, with a focus on youth, women and people with disabilities, through entrepreneurship training, mentorship, and access to market opportunities. Each element of this initiative is designed to enrich participants with skills, provide mentorship, and establish creative incubation centers that serve as a platform for expression and continuous growth.

The project is already in operation and we are providing creative entrepreneurial training and mentorship to help the project’s beneficiaries develop and refine their business skills within their artistic domains. In the pursuit of achieving the project’s goals and objectives, we have established two business creative incubation centers/hubs (in Kigali, the capital city and Musanze, a city in the Northern Province of Rwanda). These hubs (named Ikirenga Art Hubs) facilitate training, mentorship, and workshops and foster creativity, learning, and community empowerment.

These hubs aim to establish dedicated creative businesses and facilitate the development and growth of participants' ventures, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing among participants to create a vibrant and supportive creative community.

Ikirenga Artistic Empowerment Hub Project Video Highlights.


the Executive Director of Ikirenga Art and Culture Promotion (Ikirenga ACP), speaks about the Ikirenga Artistic Empowerment Hub Project, a project that is funded by the Australian Government through the Direct Aid Program.